Current Affairs for UPSC CSE IAS Exam

About IAS Abhiyan

The most significant aspect of the Civil Service Exam is having a knowledgeable, experienced, and dedicated guide. To prepare for the exam, one must have a high level of dedication, patience, perseverance, and to a large extent, an able helping hand to fuel their preparations. Our team at IAS ABHIYAN has simplified the process of preparing for the IAS Exam by offering a variety of free resources such as Current Affairs for Prelims and Mains, Prelims in Focus, Prelims in Shots, Abhiyan Pedia, High-quality mock test series, compilations of Standard/NCERT books, and Monthly Current Affairs Digest (CAD) tailored specifically for UPSC Prelims and Mains. Pursue your aspirations while being committed and really prepared, and choose the appropriate mentor from IAS ABHIYAN to assist you on your journey. Rise, Awake, and Never Stop till the objective is accomplished.

UPSC Mains Perspective