12 new butterfly species recorded in the Eastern Ghats


  • Recently, 12 new butterfly species recorded in the Eastern Ghats of Visakhapatnam district.

About the 12 new butterfly species recorded in the Eastern Ghats

  • The 12 species recorded as new to Visakhapatnam district are — Troides helena, Colotis amata, Delias hyparete, Eurema brigitta, E. laeta, Ixias pyrene, Lethe europa, Vanessa cardui, Ypthima baldus, Y. ceylonica, Virachola isocrates, and Freyeria trochylus. Twelve new butterfly species recorded in the Eastern Ghats of Visakhapatnam district
    • The common names are common birdwing, small salmon Arab, painted jezebel, small grass yellow, spotless grass yellow, yellow orange-tip, bamboo treebrown, painted lady, common five-ring, white four-ring, orange-spotted grass jewel and common guava blue.
  • The researchers recorded many of these species in the urban environments of Kambalakonda, Thotlakonda, Indira Gandhi Zoological Park, Simhachalam Hills and Biodiversity Park.
  • There are 20,000 species of butterflies recorded in the world; of them 1,500 are reported from India. The northern part of the Eastern Ghats is an area with significant biodiversity value. However it remains poorly explored, especially with regard to studies of invertebrate diversity, particularly butterflies.
  • As many as seven species are legally protected in India under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
  • Seven species are legally protected in India under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972— Pachliopta hector under Schedule I, Euploea mulciber and Appias libythea under Schedule IV, and Hypolimnas misippus, Lampides boeticus, Euchrysops cnejus, and Tanaecia lepidea under Schedule II.
  • Vast stretches of plantation of monotypic and exotic species like Bougainvillea spectabilis, Madagascar almond, and Conocarpus lancifolius in traffic islands and road dividers pose a threat to the native species.

Source: TH

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