Pradhan Mantri Mahila Shakti Kendras

The main objective of the scheme is to increase the care, protection and development of women across the country. Improving the child sex ratio, survival of new born girl child, girl education and empower them through several initiatives under the scheme are the main motives of the Mahila Shakti Kendra scheme.

Main Highlights of Pradhan Mantri Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme

  • This is a welfare scheme especially for care, protection, and development of women.
  • This scheme will help improve child sex ratio, ensure survival & protection of the girl child, ensures her education, and empower them to realize their full potential.
  • The central government will establish Mahila Shakti Kendra in the 115 most backward districts of the country. On these Kendras, the government will provide some facilities including skill development, employment, digital literacy, health and nutrition for women.
  • The government will establish One Stop Centers (OSCs) in 150 additional districts during this period that would be connected with women helpline and will provide 24 hour emergency and non-emergency response to women.
  • Below given is the screenshot of important provisions under the scheme which were taken by the central government
  • PMMSK will be supported at National level (domain based knowledge support) and State level (State Resource Centre for Women). In addition, this scheme will also support at the district level and block level.
  • All the supporters of the scheme will provide technical support to the government regarding any issues related to women.
  • The central government will also establish additional Swadhar Greh to provide relief and rehabilitation to approximately 26,000 beneficiaries.
  • In addition, the government will also provide their support to working women through 190 more Working Women Hostels.
  • These hostels will be set-up to accommodate approximately 19,000 additional working women.


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