Downloaded Aadhaar or e-Adhaar carries Name, Address, Gender, Photo and Date of Birth details of the Aadhaar holder in similar form as in Printed Aadhaar letter. The e-Aadhaar also contains date of Aadhaar generation & date of e-Aadhaar download. The downloaded Aadhaar or e-Aadhaar is a digitally signed document by UIDAI as per IT Act, 2000 which provides for legal recognition of electronic records with digital signatures.
Hence Downloaded Aadhaar /e-Aadhaar is a valid and secure electronic document which should be treated at par with printed Aadhaar letter.
As per the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016, only a resident who has resided in India for a period or periods amounting in all to 182 or more in the 12 months immediately preceding the date of application for enrolment.
Blue color Aadhaar is valid like other Aadhaar Letter. As per the new policy, UIDAI is issuing Blue Color Aadhaar (Namely Bal Aadhaar) for children whose age is between 0 to 5 Years. After attaining the age of 5 years, this Aadhaar become Invalid and the child should get his/her demographic and biometric details updated against same Aadhaar Number by visiting nearest Enrolment Centre. Else the Aadhaar will become invalid.