Gaganyaan Service Module Propulsion System (SMPS)


  • Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully tested the Gaganyaan Service Module Propulsion System (SMPS) at ISRO Propulsion Complex in Mahendragiri, Tamil Nadu.

About Gaganyaan Service Module Propulsion System

  • This test involved five liquid apogee motor (LAM) engines with a thrust of 440 N, and 16 reaction control system (RCS) thrusters with a thrust of 100 N. With the successful completion of the hot test, Gaganyaan Service Module Propulsion System has advanced in demonstrating its integrated performance in the full configuration. Photo:

    Gaganyaan Service Module Propulsion System
  • The service module of Gaganyaan is a regulated bi-propellant based propulsion system that caters to the requirements of the Orbital Module, performing orbit injection, circularisation, on-orbit control, de-boost manoeuvring, and SM-based abort (if any) during the ascent phase.
  • The 440 N thrust LAM engines provide the main propulsive force during the ascending phase, while the RCS thrusters ensure precise altitude correction.
  • The hot test of the System Demonstration Model (SDM) emulated the fluid circuit of the Service Module Propulsion System, encompassing the propellant tank feed system, helium pressurisation system, flight-qualified thrusters, and control components.
  • With the successful completion of the hot test, the SMPS demonstrated its performance in the full configuration.
  • Moving forward, ISRO has scheduled five additional tests to demonstrate both nominal and off-nominal mission scenarios, reinforcing the rigour of testing.
  • The Gaganyaan project envisages demonstration of human spaceflight capability by launching a crew of three members to an orbit of 400 km for a three-day mission, and bringing them back safely to Earth, by landing in Indian sea waters.

Source: TH

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