Arunachal government passed a bill to have 2-tier Panchayati Raj


  • Arunachal Pradesh Assembly passed a bill to do away with Anchal Samiti, the intermediate level of the three-tier Panchayati raj system and set up a two-tier system in the state.

Two-tier Panchayati raj system

  • Execution of schemes would be faster in a two-tier Panchayati raj system, as there would be direct connection between Gram Panchayats and Zilla Parishads, the village and district levels of the Panchayati raj system.
  • In a two-tier system, the strength of elected members would be reduced, thus helping in saving money for conducting polls and functional costs on Intermediate level.

About 73rd Amendment:

  • The 73rd Amendment of the Constitution allows a state having less than 20 lakh population not to have the intermediate level of the Panchayati raj system.


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