BPCL launches automated fuelling technology UFill


  • Recently, the Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) has launched an automated fuelling technology UFill to ensure that its customers have a better experience at outlets.

What is an automated fuelling technology UFill?

  • The technology provides the customer with control of fueling with the dispensing unit getting automatically pre-set for the value of fuel paid for by him/her in advance and eliminates any manual intervention at the point of sale.
    • Thus, no need to check zero before fuelling or final reading, the dispensing unit will automatically dispense the exact quantity of fuel.
  • UFill functionality, which has been described as swift, secure and smart, has been launched in 65 cities and will soon be launched across the country. BPCL launches automated fuelling technology UFill
  • It does not need any app download, and is payment app agnostic.
  • Customer can use any payment app already downloaded on his/her phone.
  • It offers real time QR and voucher code through SMS and is accepted at all BPCL Fuel Stations where the functionality is enabled.
  • UFill aims to improve customer’s turn-around time (TAT) at fuel outlet and increase transactional transparency, thereby providing enhanced retail like experience.
  • The technology provides the customer with control of fuelling as well as touch less pre-payment solution.
  • There is no need to check zero before fuelling or final reading, the dispensing unit will automatically dispense the exact quantity of fuel.

Source: PIB

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