Explained: How hurricanes are categorised?

Context Dorian is coming for Florida — that much gets clearer with each bulletin from the National Hurricane Center, even if the forecasters still can’t say just where in the state…

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Explained: What is Floccinaucinihilipilification?

Context In the minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee, which decides on India’s monetary policy, released on Wednesday, one of the government-nominated members, Chetan Ghate, is quoted as stating: “Estimates…

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What was Sikkim’s history before this new phase of political instability?

According to the Anglo-Chinese Convention of 1890, representatives of the British Crown and the Emperor of China mutually agreed that Sikkim would remain a protectorate of the British Government. Sikkim…

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Why India celebrates Independence Day on 15 August

Context In 1929, when Jawaharlal Nehru as Congress President gave the call for ‘Poorna Swaraj’ or total independence from British colonial rule, January 26 was chosen as the Independence Day. In fact,…

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What is Tactical Voting and Proportional Representation?

Tactical Voting  Also known as strategic voting, this refers to the act of voting for a particular candidate or political party not because the voter necessarily supports them but because…

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What is the Belt and Road Initiative, and why is China pushing it hard?

The story so far: Six years ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping launched a mammoth infrastructure project straddling many countries and continents. Of the projects, the most ambitious is the $60+ billion…

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