The ‘Climate Equity Monitor,’ as the site is called, is aimed at monitoring the performance of Annex-I Parties under the UNFCCC (developed countries) based on the “foundational principles” of the Climate Convention, namely equity and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC).
The performance and policies of the Non Annex-I Parties (developing countries) will be also provided for comparison.
The CEM also integrates this result of climate science with the basic issue of climate equity and justice.
Developed countries have usurped a disproportionately large share of the carbon budget and based on the currently declared targets, will continue to do so even in the future.
The CEM clearly illustrates the scale of developed country overuse and provides estimates of the carbon debt and credit of different Annex-I (developed nations) and non-Annex-I (developing countries). The methodology used is clear and straightforward.