Edayur Chilli and Kuttiattoor Mango are the latest to receive the Geographical Indication status from Kerala.
About Edayur Chilli and Kuttiattoor Mango
Edayur Chilli
- Edayur chilli is a local cultivar of Edayur, Athavanad, Marakkara, Irimbiliyam, Kalpakanchery and Valanchery panchayats in Valanchery block and Moorkanad and Kuruva panchayats in Angadippuram block of Malappuram district.
- It has been cultivated in the area for at least 150 years.
Source: The Hindu - Large quantity of Edayur chilli has been sold to nearby markets for making “Kondattom” (sun-dried-curd-chillies).
- Edayur chilli is a unique cultivar of this area with very low pungency.
- The distinctiveness can be attributed to its genetic makeup, the specific environmental and soil conditions of the area and the traditional methods of cultivation.
Kuttiattoor Mango
- Kuttiattoor mango is a popular and tasty traditional mango cultivar of Kuttiattoor and the nearby gram panchayats of Kannur district.
- This mango has maximum spread in Kuttiattoor panchayath.
- It will not be an exaggeration to call Kuttiattoor as the ‘mango village’ of Kannur. Even though this cultivar is most popularly known as Kuttiattoor mango, it is also known as ‘Nambiar manga’, ‘Kannapuram manga’, ‘Kunjimangalam manga’ and ‘Vadakkumbhagam manga’ in small pockets of Kannur district.
- This mango is famous for its appealing orange-yellow colour in addition to its excellent taste and flavour.
- The distinctiveness of Kuttiattoor mango is aided by the combination of specific environmental conditions of the area of its cultivation and varietal characters.
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