IUCN Red List new threatened species in India

Context White-cheeked Dancing Frog, Andaman Smoothhound shark and Yellow Himalayan Fritillary are among 29 new species assessed in India that are under threat, according to the latest update to the International…

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Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)

Context The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the United Nations agreement to conserve and sustainably use earth’s biodiversity, got a boost at a conference held in Montreal recently, when 188…

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Himalayan Medicinal Plants in IUCN Red List

Himalayan Medicinal Plants in IUCN Red List Context Three medicinal plant species in the Himalayas have been included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. These are Meizotropis pellita…

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Global Reporting Initiative Biodiversity Standard

Context The Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB), an independent global organisation, has approved the exposure draft of the revised Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Biodiversity Standard. About Global Reporting Initiative Biodiversity…

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Global Shield Financing Facility

Context The World Bank Group has announced a Global Shield Financing Facility to help developing countries access more financing for recovery from natural disasters and climate shocks. About Global Shield Financing…

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Black corals discovered near the Great Barrier Reef

Context Scientists discover five new species of black corals living thousands of feet below the ocean surface near the Great Barrier Reef. About Black Corals Black corals can be found…

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