National Clean Air Campaign (NCAP)

Context Four years since the Centre launched the National Clean Air Campaign (NCAP), analysts found that progress has been slow and pollution only incrementally reduced in most cities. What is the NCAP? Following years…

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Neelakurinji under Schedule III of WPA 1972

Context The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF) has listed Neelakurinji ( Strobilanthes kunthiana) under Schedule III of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, including it on the list of…

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Bihar pitches five major wetlands for Ramsar tag

Context The Bihar government has decided to claim the Ramsar site status for five major wetlands in the state. Key Details The five wetlands, whose proposals have been finalised for…

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Carbon Border Tax And India’s Stand

Context Recently, Finance minister mentioned "climate tariff walls" as a potential cost. After European Union agreed to implement the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), What is a carbon border tax?…

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