Fragility, conflict, and violence

Fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) is a critical development challenge that threatens efforts to end extreme poverty, affecting both low- and middle-income countries. The share of the extreme poor living in conflict-affected situations is expected to rise to more than 60% by 2030. Conflicts also drive 80% of all humanitarian needs, while they reduce gross domestic product (GDP) growth by two percentage points per year, on average.

Violent conflict has spiked dramatically since 2010, and the fragility landscape is becoming more complex. Climate change, rising inequality, demographic change, new technologies, illicit financial flows and other global trends may also create fragility risks. Both low- and middle-income countries are affected by fragility risks, some far away from where the problems start. The Bank is focused on addressing FCV, emphasizing prevention and acting early. We’re also remaining engaged during active conflict, and in countries going through transitions. Stronger collaboration with humanitarian, development, peace and security partners is critical for delivery in challenging environments, such as in the Bank’s response to famine.

Forced displacement is a developing world crisis, which must be addressed with collective action. There were 65 million refugees and internally displaced as of end-2015, with 95% living in developing countries and over half displaced for more than four years. At its root are the same 10 conflicts which have accounted for the majority of the forcibly displaced every year since 1991, consistently hosted by about 15 countries – also overwhelmingly in the developing world.

The Challenge of Fragility, Conflict and Violence

  • Two billion people live in countries where development outcomes are affected by fragility, conflict, and violence.
  • By 2030, the share of global poor living in fragile and conflict-affected situations is projected to reach 46%.
  • Conflicts drive 80% of all humanitarian needs.
  • Forced displacement is a development world crisis: 95% of refugees and internally-displaced live in developing countries, originating from the same 10 conflicts since 1991, consistently hosted by about 15 countries – also overwhelmingly in the developing world.

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