Free viral load testing for people with HIV


  • After years of shortage within the national HIV intervention system, the Health Ministry on Monday launched ‘Viral load testing for all People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV)’.

About Viral Load Kits:

  • Viral load kits are used to determine the severity of an infection before deciding on the treatment regimen that is appropriate for HIV patients. India is home to the world’s third largest HIV population, with 25 lakh patients.
  • Only 12 lakh of the diagnosed HIV patients are on treatment and the newly-launched scheme will provide viral load testing free of cost, “at least once a year”.
  • “The viral load test is a big step forward. This initiative was started to ensure that treatment is started early and virus transmission is curtailed both at the individual and the community level. Now, about 12 lakh PLHIV are availing the benefit of free treatment from more than 530 ART (Antiretroviral Theraphy) centres.


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