‘Beast from The East’ – the science behind Europe’s Siberian chill

Context: The so-called “Beast from the East” has arrived in the UK, bringing unusually cold weather – about 7°C colder than the historical average for this time of year. Wind chill is…

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First Slaughter of Chittorgarh by Allauddin Khilji in 1303

Context: Visualize about Chittorgarh of the bygone days when the brave Rajputs fought fiercely against Muslim invaders to maintain independence. The Rajputs who never surrendered! Picturise about the brave Rajput…

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Bodhi Parva: BIMSTEC Festival of Buddhist Heritage

Context: ​India hosted "Bodhi Parva: BIMSTEC Festival of Buddhist Heritage" during 8 - 10 December 2017 at the India Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA), New Delhi as part of…

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A woman does not mortgage herself to a man with marriage: CJI

Context: A woman does not mortgage herself to a man by marrying him and she retains her identity, including her religious identity, even after she exercises her right to marry…

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10 New Iconic sites identified under Swachh Iconic Places

A two-day National Consultation of Swachh Iconic Places (SIP) was recently held at New Delhi.  Representatives from 20 Iconic Sites including central and State officials, representatives of iconic places and…

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WHO releases guidelines on child sex abuse

Context: In a first, the World Health Organisation has formulated clinical guidelines on responding to children and adolescents who have been sexually abused. About the guideline: The guidelines put forward…

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