India’s Freedom Struggle: Contribution of Lala Lajpat Rai

One of  the  legendary  triumvirate – Lal-Bal-Pal ( Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal  Gangadhar  Tilak and  Bipin Chandra  Pal)  of  India’s freedom movement against the British colonial  rule, Lala Lajpat Rai  was  a multi-faceted  personality…

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Need to strike at the root causes of Gender bias

Fodder Points: India’s demographic dividend is unique, as the growth rate of the working population exceeds that of the total population. Demographic dividend is expected to continue till 2040s. productive…

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The crisis facing by Indian Agriculture today

Why can’t the government provide a higher income for farmers, asks M.S. Swaminathan; The greatest challenge facing Indian agriculture 50 years back was achieving self-sufficiency in foodgrain production. What is…

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The impact of caste on economic mobility in India

The caste system is arguably the most distinctive feature of Indian society. The Indian population is divided into four hierarchical classes, or varnas, with a large sub-population of untouchables excluded entirely…

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Food Wastage-Critical Issue of National Importance

Food wastage is an extremely critical issue of national importance. To address the problem of food loss and waste globally, the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12.3 aims to halve per…

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