How Jammu and Kashmir fares in key indicators compared to the rest of India

As a new chapter opens in the history of Jammu and Kashmir with the state being split into two Union Territories, there have been discussions around how it has fared compared to the rest of India. Some selected indicators; figures in square brackets are for All India.

Life expectancy at birth 73.5 (2012-16) [68.7]
Sex ratio of total population 972 [991]
(females per 1,000 males)
Sex ratio at birth for children born 921[919]
in the last five years (females per 1,000 males)
Households with electricity (%) 97.4 [88.2]
Households with improved drinking 89.2 [89.9]
water source (%)
Households using improved sanitation facility (%) 52.5 [48.4]
Households using clean fuel for cooking (%) 57.6 [43.8]
Literacy Rate (in per cent, 2011) 67.2 [73.0]
Women who are literate (%) 69.0 [68.4]
Men who are literate (%) 87.0 [85.7]
Women with 10 or more years of schooling (%) 37.2 [35.7]
*Gross Enrolment Ratio (in per cent, 2016-17, Provisional) 73.03 [93.55]
Women age 20-24 years married before age 18 years (%) 8.7 [26.8]
Women age 15-19 years who were already 2.9 [7.9]
mothers or pregnant at the time of the survey (%)
Total fertility rate (children per woman) 2.0 [2.2]
*Birth rate (per 1,000 population) 15.4 (2017) [20.2]
Infant mortality rate (IMR) 32 [41]
Under-five mortality rate (U5MR) 38 [50]
Currently married women who usually participate 84.0 [84.0]
in household decisions (%)
Women owning a house and/or land 33.3 [38.4]
(alone or jointly with others) (%)
Women having a bank or savings account 60.3 [53.0]
that they themselves use (%)
Women having a mobile phone that they themselves use (%) 54.2 [45.9]
Unemployment rate per 1,000 population 22 (2011-12) [17]
(Usual status), Rural male
Unemployment rate per 1,000 population 30 (2011-12) [17]
(Usual status), Rural female
Unemployment rate per 1,000 population 41 (2011-12) [30]
(Usual status), Urban male
Unemployment rate per 1,000 population 190 (2011-12) [52]
(Usual status), Urban female
Poverty rate 10.35 (2011-12) [21.92]
(percentage, based on MRP consumption)

Source: National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4), 2015-16, except indicators marked with an asterisk (*). Data marked with an asterisk are from Economic Survey 2018-19 and RBI Handbook of Statistics on Indian States, 2018-19, quoting Census, NITI Aayog, and NSSO data. NFHS-4 is the fourth in the NFHS series, which provides information on population, health and nutrition for India and each state and Union Territory.

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