Recently, the new combat uniform for the Indian Army was unveiled.
Since 1949, January 15 has been celebrated as Army Day every year, to mark the day General KM Cariappa, who later became Field Marshal, took over as the first Indian Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army from Gen F R Roy Bucher.
About Indian Army’s new combat uniform
- The new uniform will be made available in a phased manner to the nearly 12 lakh personnel of the Indian Army.
- Uniforms are one of the most distinctive identifying features for any military force. The uniform not only differentiates civilians from military personnel, and between personnel of different militaries, it also engenders togetherness, conformity, and discipline among the personnel.
Credit: IE - The new uniform was unveiled with the soldiers of the elite parachute regiment marching on Army Day.
- While the new unique camouflage pattern retains the combination of the same colours — olive green and earthen shades — the pattern is digital now.
- It has been designed keeping in mind the many kinds of operational conditions that the soldiers function in, from deserts to high-altitude areas, jungles and plains.
How is the fabric used in the new uniform different?
- This is the other important change in the uniform. The fabric for the new material makes it lighter, sturdier, more breathable, and more suitable for the different terrains that soldiers are posted in.
- The cotton-to-polyester ratio is 70:30, making it quicker to dry, more comfortable to wear in humid and hot conditions, and lightweight.
- It is an ergonomically designed, operationally effective, new-generation camouflage combat uniform.
- The ergonomic features allow for long-hour use and comfort, and micro features are inbuilt for the use of the wearer in field conditions.
- For the first time, a modified version of the uniform has been developed keeping in mind the specific requirements of lady officers and troops of the Army.
Who designed the uniform?
- Designed by a team of 12 people at the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), which included seven professors, three students, and two alumni, the uniform was created through a consultative process with the Army, keeping in mind the “4Cs” — comfort, climate, camouflage, and confidentiality.
Are all uniforms of the Army changing?
- No. It must be noted that only the combat uniform has been changed. The Army has several uniforms, including the olive greens, as it is called, for peace area postings, and ceremonial uniforms.
Source: IE
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