The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Context: In his famous book, Man and the State, the French philosopher Jacques Maritain draws attention to the universal essence of human rights above ideologies. Quote: He says, “The recognition…

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The Court’s voice

Context: It is not often that India hears the Attorney General (AG) speak outside the courtroom, although he (there has been no woman AG so far) has the constitutional right…

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Make planning fashionable again

Context: Economic planning is not considered fashionable today. India under Nehru’s leadership: India under Nehru’s leadership inaugurated a strategy for industrialisation of the country in the early 1950s This involved…

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#MeToo’s importance for women’s jobs

Context: The #MeToo campaign has implications for the much-debated issue of India’s female labour force. India's female labour force participation rate: The country’s female labour force participation rate (LFPR)—the share…

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What can India teach us about start-ups?

Context: Empirical evidence has shown that there is a very strong link between start-ups, especially small enterprises, and job growth in India. There is a strong upward relationship between employment…

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The need for reforms in the education sector

Context: When we think about the future of work—and all the jobs that will have to be created for India’s expanding youth population—we should hold one thought above all in…

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