POSHAN Abhiyaan (National Nutrition Mission)

Context: POSHAN Abhiyaan under Innovation component, envisages undertaking activities to be implemented intended to improve the service delivery system, capacity building of front line functionaries and community engagement for better nutritional outcomes.…

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Six monuments / historical sites in North Eastern States identified for listing under World Heritage Site

Context: As many as 6 monuments/historical sites in the North Eastern states have been identified tentatively for listing under World Heritage Site. Monuments/sites identified/placed under tentative list for listing under…

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World class tourist facilities at Konark Sun temple dedicated to nation

Context: An aesthetically designed interpretation centre with world-class facilities that showcases the unique architectural features of Kalingan era was recently inaugurated at Sun Temple, Konark. The Indian Oil Foundation has developed…

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Cabinet approved continuation of Krishi Vigyan Kendras till 2019-20

Context: The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by Prime Minister has approved the proposal of the Department of Agricultural Research and Education for continuation / strengthening, upto 2019-20, of…

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Bio-medical Waste Management Rules Amended to Protect Human Health

Context: Underlining the effort to protect the environment and human health from infectious bio-medical waste, Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Dr. Harsh Vardhan has said that Bio-Medical…

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National Commission for Minorities Educational Institutions

National Commission for Minorities Educational Institutions (NCMEI) under the Ministry of Human Resource Development gives the minority status to the educational institutions on the basis of six religious communities notified…

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Integrated Scheme for Development of Silk Industry

Context: The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has given its approval for Central Sector Scheme "Integrated Scheme for Development of Silk Industry" for the next three years from 2017-18 to…

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