Government constitutes Injeti Srinivas Committee to frame National Sports Code

The Government has decided to constitute the following Committee to study the existing sports governance frame work, issues relating to sports governance in the country, recent developments related to sports…

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India and Kazakhstan sign Protocol to amend the Double Taxation Avoidance Convention (DTAC)

India and Kazakhstan signed here today  in the national capital a Protocol to amend the existing Double Taxation Avoidance Convention (DTAC) between the two countries  which was earlier signed on…

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Government launches Swachh Bharat Survekshan 2017 in 500 cities

Swachh Survekshan of 500 cities launched.  Swachhata Helpline ‘1969’, Swachhata App launched to promote people’s participation Swachh Bharat Mission not a mere slogan, a people’s movement for Clean India. Minister…

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Pan-India expansion of Maternity Benefit Programme (MBP)

Government of India is committed to ensure that every woman attains optimal nutritional status – especially from the most vulnerable communities as nutrition constitutes the foundation for human development.  This…

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