India’s first slender loris habitat in Karur, Dindigul districts of Tamil Nadu notified.
The government notified ‘Kadavur slender loris sanctuary’ under Section 26 (A)(1)(b) of Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
About Slender Loris
- Slender lorises are small nocturnal mammals and are arboreal in nature, as they spend most of their life on trees.
- The species has a wide range of ecological role and importance to play in the terrestrial eco system.
Photo Credit: The Hindu (Kalyan Varma) - Acts as a biological predator to pests of agricultural crops and benefits farmers.
- Protection
- IUCN: Endangered
- Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972: Schedule I
Back to Basics
- In significant steps towards conservation of wildlife,
- Tamil Nadu government notified India’s first Dugong Conservation Reserve in Palk Bay,
- Kazhuveli bird sanctuary in Villupuram and Nanjarayan Tank birds sanctuary in Tiruppur and the State’s fifth elephant reserve at Agasthyamalai in Tirunelveli.
- Further, 13 wetlands across the State were declared as Ramsar sites.
Source: TH
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