The Global Mangrove Alliance (GMA) in collaboration with the UN Climate Change High-level Champions have identified the need for a unified global approach towards mangrove conservation and are therefore calling for signatories to the “Mangrove Breakthrough” being launched today at COP27.
About The Mangrove Breakthrough
- The Mangrove Breakthrough is a science-based, measurable, and achievable goal for non-state actors and governments to collectively restore and protect mangroves at the scale needed to secure the future of these vital coastal forests.
- This will be achieved by catalyzing financial flows to broadly activate proven solutions and mobilize action on the ground as part of the Sharm El Sheikh Adaptation Agenda—a key roadmap to deliver on the Race to Resilience.
Source: Climate Champions - Specifically, the Mangrove Breakthrough aims to secure the future of 15 million hectares of mangroves globally by 2030 through collective action on:
- Halting mangrove losses.
- Restoring half of recent mangrove losses.
- Doubling the protection of mangroves globally.
- Ensuring sustainable long-term finance for all existing mangroves by achieving an investment of 4 billion USD by 2030 to conserve and revitalize these coastal ecosystems.
- By joining the Mangrove Breakthrough, signatories recognize the need and show a willingness to achieve a future where these critical ecosystems are restored and protected.
- The Breakthrough will channel finance at scale to ensure funding for both global and local initiatives aimed at protecting and restoring these coastal forests.
- The Mangrove Breakthrough is part of the Sharm El Sheikh Adaptation Agenda of the Marrakesh Partnership.
- It has defined key 2030 Adaptation Outcome Targets as high-impact solutions that can accelerate resilience to the climate risks faced by people in vulnerable communities around the world.
- The Sharm El Sheikh Adaptation Solutions bring together the opportunity to accelerate transformative adaptation actions and deliver system-level resilience.
- They consolidate efforts across the Partnership and resilience actors to unite behind actionable targets and solutions, which enable the Race to Resilience goal of making 4 billion vulnerable people more resilient by 2030.
Incredible Benefits of Mangrove Action
- Preventing just 1% of mangrove loss results in two hundred million tons of carbon locked away. Restoration of losses since 1996 could safeguard carbon in soil and aboveground biomass equivalent to 1.27gigatons of CO2–equating to over 520 million barrels of oil, or the annual emissions of 49 million cars in the USA
- The GMA goal of “restoring half” of the 8,183km2 of restorable area by 2030, particularly in Southeast Asia, could result in an additional 25 billion commercial marine fish and shellfishand benefit 4.1 million small-scale fishers and countless communities that rely on mangroves fortheir livelihoods
- Mangroves prevent more than $65 billion in property damages from storms and reduce flood risk to some 15 million people every year
- Mangroves are the most efficient carbon capture and storage systems on the planet. They currently store carbon that’s equivalent to over 21 billion tons of CO2.
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About The Global Mangrove Alliance
- In 2018 Conservation International (CI), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Wetlands International, and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) formed the Global Mangrove Alliance (GMA).
- This partnership now includes over 30 member organizations that share the aim of scaling up the recovery of mangroves through equitable and effective expansion of both mangrove protection and the restoration of former mangrove areas.
- From a practical perspective, the GMA works worldwide in supporting research, advocacy, education and practical projects on the ground with local and community partners.
Reference: Climate Champions & IUCN
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