Over 120 national delegations participating in the Conference adopted the “Moscow Declaration to End TB”.
- The aim of the First WHO Global Ministerial Conference on Ending TB in the Sustainable Development Era: A Multisectoral Response is to accelerate the response to meet the targets agreed under the End TB Strategy and Sustainable Development Goals, through increased national and global commitments.
- It also aims to inform the first UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on TB in 2018.
- The development of the ministerial declaration was led by the Russian Federation beginning in early 2017, and was guided in its framing by the Conference Steering Committee and Partners Group.
- It involved partner and public consultations followed by a series of consultations with Member States.
- The Declaration addresses the top four outcome areas of the Conference, and spells out, under each area, commitments from Member States and calls for action at global and regional levels on the part of WHO and a wide range of partners.
Source: WHO