Must Read News Articles – January 30

Important Articles

EC renews plea to RBI for higher cash withdrawals: Issue-EC/RBI & Cash Withdrawals 

Atomic clocks on indigenous navigation satellite develop snag: Note-NavIC, the indigenously built satellite

FinMin may aid rail safety fund: Issue-Rehabilitation work.

Aadhaar number printed on paper perfectly valid: Centre: Note-A printout of the downloaded Aadhaar card, even in black and white form, is as valid as the original card 

The Railway Budget – a requiem: Issue-The Railways & their core areas of operations and concentrating on peripheral items.


Keeping safety on the rails: Issue-Railway Safety 

Fielding the finest: Issue-Selecting the most meritorious as Army Commanders 

Union budget’s false dilemma: Issue-Budgets over the years & A decline in the share of capital expenditure to total expenditure.

Modi’s ‘Think West’ strategy is taking off: Issue-India’s growing relations with West Asia 

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