National Commission for Women (NCW)


  • Recently, Ms. Rekha Sharma has been nominated as Chairperson of the National Commission for Women (NCW) for another term of three years by the Central Government.

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About National Commission for Women (NCW)

  • The National Commission for Women was set up in January 1992 under the National Commission for Women Act, 1990 ( Act No. 20 of 1990 of Govt.of India ) to :
    • Review the Constitutional and Legal safeguards for women ;
    • Recommend remedial legislative measures ;
    • Facilitate redressal of grievances and
    • Advise the Government on all policy matters affecting women.
  • It is statutory body. Mandate, of the Commission is to initiate various steps to improve the status of women and worked for their economic empowerment during the year under report.

    National Commission for Women
    Source: Wikipedia
  • It took up the issue of child marriage, sponsored legal awareness programmes, Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalats and reviewed laws such as Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, PNDT Act 1994, Indian Penal Code 1860 and the National Commission for Women Act, 1990 to make them more stringent and effective.
  • It organized workshops/consultations, constituted expert committees on economic empowerment of women, conducted workshops/seminars for gender awareness and took up publicity campaign against female foeticide, violence against women etc. in order to generate awareness in the society against these social evils.

Composition of National Commission for Women (NCW)

The Commission must consist of a minimum number of members which includes a chairperson, a member secretary, and the other five members.

  • Chairperson: The central government should nominate the chairperson.
  • Five members: The five members are also to be nominated by the central government from amongst the person of ability, integrity, and standing. They should possess experience in various fields like law or legislation, trade unionism, management of industry potential of women, women’s voluntary organization, education, administration, economic development, and social good-being.
  • Member Secretary: The Central Government also nominates member secretary. He/ she should be either an expert in the field of management, an organization, or an officer who is a member.

Role of National Commission for Women

  • investigate and examine all the matters related to the safeguards provided for the women under the Constitution and other laws.
  • It table reports to the central government, every year and at such other times as the commission may deem fit, reports upon the working of those safeguards
  • Make in such reports and recommendations, for the effective accomplishment of those safeguards for enhancing the conditions of the women by the Union or any State.
  • Review, every now and then, the current provisions of the Constitution and other laws distressing the women and prescribe alterations and suggest curative legislative measures meet any break, inadequacies and incapacity in such legislation.
  • Take up cases of infringement of the provisions of the Constitution and of other laws relating to the women with the relevant authorities.
  • It looks into complaints, and takes Suo Motto notice of matters relating to – deprivation of women’s rights, Non-implementation of the laws and Non-compliance of the policy decisions guaranteeing the welfare for women society.
  • It conducts special studies or investigation on the concerning issues or circumstance emerging out of segregation and outrages against ladies and recognises the limitations in order to suggest techniques for their expulsion
  • It also undertakes promotional and educational research so as to propose ways of ensuring due representation of the women in all fields.

Functions of National Commission for Women

  • The National Commission of Women enjoys the powers of a civil court.
  • It investigates and examines the matters related to the safeguards ensured for feminine society under the Constitution of India.
  • It took complaints suo moto notice of issues related to the non- implementation of laws and non- enforcement of laws and non -compliance of policy decisions, guidelines enacted and aimed at mitigating hardships ensuring the welfare and then take up issues arising out of matter with the concerned authorities.
  • NCW members take part in the planning process of socio-economic development of women, propose measures to encourage their representation in all spheres, and review their advancement.
  • It also examines the safeguards provided for women in the Constitution and other laws study their working, recommend amendments to meet any inadequacies or deficiencies, and advocate measures for effective implementation.

Source; NewIndianExpress

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