PM-STIAC (Science, Technology, Innovation Advisory Committee)


  • Recently Union Government has constituted a new 21-member advisory panel on science, technology and innovation called Prime Minister’s Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC). It will replace earlier Scientific Advisory Committee to Prime Minister and to Cabinet.

Composition and Functions:

  • It will be headed by Principal Scientific Advisor to the government of India. It has nine members, including Chairperson.
  • Apart from nine members, it will also have twelve special invitees — eleven ex officio secretaries 10 central ministries, related to science, technology, energy and education, are special invitees to the panel.
  • Advise PM on science, technology, as well as innovation.
  • Coordinate implementation of PMs scientific vision.
  • Aid in formulation and timely implementation of major science and technology missions and evolve interdisciplinary technology development programmes.
  • Advise government on developing ‘Clusters of Excellence’ in science including city-based R&D clusters.
  • Bring together all science and technology partners from academia and institutes to industries near such centres or cities.


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