Prelims In Focus-Part-14

Prelims in Focus

Prelims in Focus, an IAS Abhiyan Initiative to quickly navigate through the important facts, current affairs, static portion to enrich aspirant’s knowledge base along with conceptual clarity. Our Prelims in Focus initiative will surely be an added advantage for UPSC Prelims Examinations. This initiative will help the aspirants to focus to the main points of a topic quickly at the same time. In this initiative, we will cover 10-15 important facts on a daily basis. You can also join our Telegram Channel too to read these articles. Click here to Join. We will continue our Monthly Pre-Bits Flash Liner along with this initiative. 

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Prelims in Focus-Part-14

  1. Colloidal Solutions
    ➖Ink and solutions of soap and detergents are some common examples of a colloidal solution.

    ➖The colloidal form depends on the pH factor or the acidity of the substance. If the pH factor is disturbed, the colloid will lose its structure.

  2. 📌Major international conventions like the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) recognises the inclusion of indigenous communities and forest dwellers in the management of protected areas and governance of biodiversity.
  3. 📌 At least 2.5 million girl children — over and above a previously estimated 12 million — may be forced into marriages in 2020, according to the report by international non-profit Save the Children.
  4. 📌 Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) is a greenhouse gas concentration trajectory adopted by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

    ➖It is taken as the basis for worst-case climate change scenarios.

  5. 📌A ‘zombie fire’ is a fire from a previous growing season that can smoulder under the ground which is made up of carbon-rich peat.
  6. 📌According to the National Sample Survey, only one per cent of the land owned by farmers is used for livestock. This suggests that not only pastoralists depend on common-pool resources; a large number of farmers who keep crossbred cattle and high-yielding buffaloes also rely on these resources
  7. Dark Grey list
    ➖According to Financial Action Task Force (FATF) rules there is one essential stage between ‘Grey’ and ‘Black’ lists, referred to as ‘Dark Grey’.

    ➖Means issuance of a strong warning, so that the country concerned gets one last chance to improve.

    ➖‘Dark Grey’ was the term used for warning upto 3rd Phase. Now it’s just called warning — that is the 4th phase.

    ➖If any countries continues with the ‘grey list’ or put in ‘Dark Grey’ list, it would be very difficult for the country to get financial aid from the IMF, the World Bank and the European Union.

  8. Chicago Convention
    🔹Convention on International Civil Aviation

    🔹Established the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a specialized agency of the UN

    🔹Charged with coordinating international air travel.

    🔹Establishes rules of airspace, aircraft registration and safety, security, and sustainability, and details the rights of the signatories in relation to air travel

    🔹Contains provisions pertaining to taxation.

  9. 🔹India is the 2nd largest cotton producer and the largest consumer of cotton in the world.

    🔹India produces about 6.00 Million tons of cotton every year which is about 23% of the world cotton.

    🔹India produces about 51% of the total organic cotton production of the world, which demonstrates India’s effort towards sustainability.

    Note: Cotton may be used across all dimension of Technical Textiles.

  10. 🔹According to independent studies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to raise India’s annual growth rate by 1.3% and add USD 957 billion to the country’s economy by 2035.

    ➖At a global level, AI is expected to unlock USD 15.7 trillion in productivity by 2030.


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