The process to reconstitute Parliamentary Committee was set rolling with Parliamentary Affairs Minister moving two motions to set up the Public Accounts and Estimates committees.
key Details on Parliamentary Committee
- The Estimates Committee is tasked with suggesting alternative policies to bring about efficiency and economy in administration, examine whether the money is well laid out within the limits of the policy implied in the estimates, and recommend the form in which estimates are to be presented to Parliament.
Source: The Indian Express - A Parliamentary Committee is a panel of MPs that is appointed or elected by the House or nominated by the Speaker, and which works under the direction of the Speaker.
- It presents its report to the House or to the Speaker.
- Parliamentary Committees have their origins in the British Parliament.
- They draw their authority from Article 105, which deals with the privileges of MPs, and Article 118, which gives Parliament authority to make rules to regulate its procedure and conduct of business.
- Broadly, Parliamentary Committees can be classified into Financial Committees, Departmentally Related Standing Committees, Other Parliamentary Standing Committees, and Ad hoc Committees.
- The Financial Committees include the Estimates Committee, Public Accounts Committee, and the Committee on Public Undertakings.
- These committees were constituted in 1950.
Source: IE
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