The Red Shank stops by at the Ukkadam Lake

  • The Spotted Redshank migrates from Northern Scandinavia and Northern Asia from October to September to escape the harsh winters. “It’s a wide spread winter migrant in India, confined mostly to coastal areas.
  • It can often be seen in Chennai coastal areas and there are records of the bird sighting in Tanjore too. But, this particular bird has arrived late in January, so it could be a vagrant migrant.
  • There has been no record of the bird in the city in the last 20 years. This could probably be the first record for Coimbatore.
  • Recently, a solitary Spotted Redshank was spotted near Tiruppur too.
  • Some of the other rare birds Gajamohanraj has spotted include Tereks sandpiper, Curlew sandpiper, Whimbrel, Gul-billed tern and Isabeline wheater.


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