Recently, Strobilanthes reptans a new plant species recorded in India is invasive weed elsewhere.
About Strobilanthes reptans
- It has earned the Indian tag with the reputation of being an invasive weed in the Indo-Pacific islands.
- Found in Arunachal Pradesh’s West Kameng district.
Source: TH - The plant has not had any adverse effect on indigenous flora as it is restricted to a single locality measuring less than 1 sq. km.
- The Strobilanthes reptans was found growing up to 20 cm tall on grassy hill slopes at 150 metres above mean sea level. It sported tubular white or pale violet flowers with darker veins from June to September, and yielded fruit from July to December.
- The researchers said the plant could possibly have escaped from cultivation from Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia or Sri Lanka, where it has naturalised.
- The plant has also been recorded in Taiwan, Ryukyu islands of Japan, northern Australia, Singapore, Hawaii and a few other countries.
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