WTO Solar Dispute


  • The World Trade Organisation’s Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) has agreed to India’s request for setting up a panel to determine whether the country complied with a previous ruling striking down its domestic content requirements for solar cells and modules.


  • In 2013, the US filed a complaint before the WTO, arguing that the domestic content requirement imposed under India’s solar programme violates global trading rules by unfavourably discriminating against imported solar cells and modules.
  • In February 2016, a WTO panel ruled that by imposing the domestic content requirement, India had violated its national treatment obligation.
  • The US  again approached the WTO, seeking action against India for non-compliance of the ruling.
  • India reiterated that it had brought about changes in rules and procedures under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, and power-purchase agreements no longer mandated domestic sourcing of cells and modules.

About WTO:

  • The Uruguay round of GATT (1986-93) resulted in the formation of World Trade Organisation.
  • It is a permanent organisation which has been established on the basis of International Treaty. It is not an agency of the UNO.

Source: Indian Express & Wiki

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